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Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2019

"Family members" (Possessive)

Family I can talk about family members. 1) Put the family members below into three groups : a) female b) male c) male or female aunt  brother child/ children cousin daughter  father (dad) grandchild/ grandchildren  granddaughter grandfather (grandad) grandmother (granma) grandparent  grandson husband mother (mum) nephew niece parent sister son uncle wife TO LEARN!_____________________________ a) We add 's to a name or noun to show possession or a family relationship. e.g, my cousin's husband. b) We just add an appostrophe (´) to plural nouns ending in -s e.g, my parents' friends    but his children's school __________________________________________________________________________ 2 ) Read TO LEARN! box. Then complete the sentences, adding possessive 's and the correct family member. 1) Harry is Tom's son. 2) Martin is Tom____________. 3) Nathan and Rosie are Sophie ____________. 4) Harry is Liz ________

"The Big Bang Theory" (Present Simple)

Look at the photo below. Do you know this TV show? Can you name any of these characters? 1) Read the text. Then answer the questions. 1) Which characters in the show work together? 2) Which characters live together? 3) Can you name any other TV shows about friends?  2) Now, Complete the sentences about The Big Bang Theory. Use the Present Simple affirmative form of the verbs below. like/live/visit/watch/work  a) Millions of people _______ the show regularly. b) Sheldon _______ in a flat with Leonard. c) Raj and Howard _______ with Sheldon and Leonard. d) Raj and Howard _______ Sheldon and Leonard regularly. e) In general, people _______ shows about groups of friends. __________________________________ LOOK OUT! - Some verbs change spelling when you add -s for the third person singular form. I go  She go es   You watch  He watch es They study   She stud ies   - The verb have is irregular. We have  It has ___

"Making a telephone invitation"

 Warm-up 1) Answer the questions with a partner or in small groups. How do you feel when you speak English on the phone? What is more difficult for you - having a conversartion on the phone in English, or leaving someone a recorded message in English? Why? 2) Circle what you think are the correct answers. When you want to ask who is calling you, you can say: a) Who are you?        b) Who's this? When you say your name on the pone, you can say: a) I am____.              b) This is ____. When you ask someone on the phone to wait, you can say: a) Wait please.           b) Just a minute. 3) Before you listen what Alex and Sara are talking on the phone. What do you thing they are talking about? 4) After you listen answer the questions below. Why is Alex calling? Does Sara want to see Alex? 5) Answer these questions with short  Yes/No answers. Use is, are, does or can (and their negative forms if necessary). Check your answers with a partner.

Stress & Relaxation

Listen what Jordan Friedman says about "stress & relaxation" and then choose between A,B,C or D. 1) What may be the causes of stress for his clients and audience? A) When they have to make the same journey regularly between work and home. B) When they have money problems. C) When they have a little time and too much to do. D) All the previous answers are correct. 2) Today's life is more stressful than it was 20 years ago because.... A)  There are many stuff which take away our time for relaxation B)  It's more difficult to reduce stress levels. C) There are many distractions led by technology devices and they bring us ongoing stress symptoms. D) Any of them are correct. 3) Which effects does stress produce in  the body and mind? A) It produces wear and tear, lack of sleep and weakness. B) It affects our way of sleeping, the immune systems and when these factors stay for a long time they produce high blood pressure and difficulty

"The First World War"

 "The First World War" The single event that more than any other can be said to have shaped the world we live in is the First World War. The Second World War grew out of the First. It was not a “given” that a second great war would occur, but there was sufficient unfinished business from 1914–18 to make it likely. The global spread of the First World War was such that almost no part was left untouched, either directly or indirectly. The resources of great empires were mobilized to fight a total war. Soldiers came from tropical North Queensland and West Africa to fight for Britain and France against Germany in Belgium. Labourers from South Africa, China and Vietnam were sent to work on the Western Front. Men from the far reaches of the Russian and Austro-Hungarian Empires battled each other in the Carpathians. The war continues to affect us. In Britain, opinion is sharply polarized between those who see the war as a monstrous tragedy which should never have happened, a


        CYBERBULLYING What it is Cyberbullying differs from traditional, face‐to‐face bullying in that it can be relentless and public – and at the same time anonymous. It can occur anywhere and at any time, particularly because of the widespread use of mobile devices like cell phones among teens. Victims of cyberbullying may or may not know the person who is bullying them. There could be countless other people seeing and/or participating in it, with or without the victim knowing. • Young people are cyberbullied through instant messaging, email, websites for games and social networking sites. • Built‐in cameras in cell phones are adding to the problem. In one case, students used a camera enabled cell phone to take a photo of an overweight classmate in the shower after gym, and the photo was distributed throughout the school email list within minutes. • Sexting may expose teenagers to unkind behaviour or cyberbullying. Personal messages and photog