Family I can talk about family members. 1) Put the family members below into three groups : a) female b) male c) male or female aunt brother child/ children cousin daughter father (dad) grandchild/ grandchildren granddaughter grandfather (grandad) grandmother (granma) grandparent grandson husband mother (mum) nephew niece parent sister son uncle wife TO LEARN!_____________________________ a) We add 's to a name or noun to show possession or a family relationship. e.g, my cousin's husband. b) We just add an appostrophe (´) to plural nouns ending in -s e.g, my parents' friends but his children's school __________________________________________________________________________ 2 ) Read TO LEARN! box. Then complete the sentences, adding possessive 's and the correct family member. 1) Harry is Tom's son. 2) Martin is Tom____________. 3) Nathan and Rosie are Sophie ____________. 4) Harry is Liz ___...