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Mostrando entradas de abril, 2019

The Overpopulation, is it a future prophesy?

1) You are going to see the video below no more than three times so as to answer the following questions. The idea is to understand the general ideas of what the video wants to say about this great issue we face in today's society. "OVERPOPULATION" After watching this video what can you say about it : 1) Is overpopulation a future prophesy or is just an ungrounded panic? 2) What does it consist the Demographic Transition? Explain each step. 3) What were the consequences that brought the Industrial Revolution?  As a result? 4) What  living standards  did we improve in today's society?   5) Do you think that the improvement might be seen around the world?

Giving personal information

Functional Language  Giving personal information  Whаt's уоur nаmе? Му name's Jonathan.  What's your surname? It's Delgado. How do you spell it? It's D-E-L-G-A-D-O. How old are you? I'm 14 years old. Where аrе уоu from?   I'm from lreland. What's your address? It's Washington 32 Street. What's your email address? It's Do you live with your family? No, I live alone. Do you live in a house or a flat? I live in a flat. So now that you see these questions with its answers What about you? Ask these simple questions to your partner and add these questions too. What do you do? I'm a student. What do you like doing in your free time? I like painting. Do you have a pet? Yes, I have a big rottweiler  and you? Well, I have a little Shar Pei.  See this funny video after doing the previous exercise. And tell me, Why do th

"Buying things for future problems

2) Listen to five people talking about the worst thing they have ever bought. What problem does each person describe about what they’ve bought?  A It wasn’t safe. B It was bought as a result of a sudden decision. C It was unreliable. D It was too expensive for what it was. E It was difficult to look after it. F It wasn’t the real thing. Speaker 1 ■ Speaker 2 ■ Speaker 3 ■ Speaker 4 ■ Speaker 5 ■ Answers 1 C 2 D 3 A 4 F 5 E

"Summer Camp"

1) Listen to a young woman talking about a summer camp she has visited. Choose the correct answer.    1) Holly’s already been to ClubCamp ___. a) once b) twice c) three times 2) Holly thinks ClubCamp is special because of ___. a) its location b) the weather it gets  c) the things on offer there 3) Holly has enjoyed ___ most so far. a) the social activities b) the sporting activities c) the practical activities 4) Holly says that ___ come from other countries. a) only some students b) a few teachers c) both students and teachers 5) Holly explains that ClubCamp serves ____. a) mostly food made from fresh ingredients b) food that's unsuitable for vegeterians c) too much junk food Answers 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.A 

"The importance of colours" part 2

2)Listen to five people talking about the colours they like. What reason does each person give for liking the colour? A It makes them feel better about things. B It’s easy to find colours that go well with it. C It’s linked to a sport they like. D It looks good on them. E It makes them think of a time of year. F It reminds them of the environment SPEAKER N° 1 _____ SPEAKER N° 2 _____ SPEAKER N° 3 _____ SPEAKER N° 4 _____ SPEAKER N° 5 _____ Answers 2) C, A, F, B, E.

"The importance of colours" parte 1

1) Listen to an expert on colour talking about the importance of colour in business. Choose the correct answer.  1. Marian says that business owners need to know which colours make customers ___. a)feel relaxed. b)want something to buy    c) develop an interest in a product  2. According to Marian, ___ can change the way you view a colour. a)where you come from          b)your education                  c)your family 3. The colour blue makes customers feel ___. a) peaceful                    b)energized                c) safe 4. A business might use the colour ___ to let people know that it’s successful. a) red b) orange c) green 5.   Black is used to show the customer that they are getting something ___. a) of high value b) that not many other people have c) at a reasonable cost Answers 1,B 2,A 3,C 4,C 5,A.