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Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2021


  1. Mark the sentences true (T )  or false (F ). 1- The main thi ng people say they l ove ab out  sledding is the sce n ery.  2- The prese nter preferred drivi ng the sled t o  sitti ng i n it.  3- Pil ots used t o strap themselves t o the wi n gs at airsh ows.  4- Rebecca f ou n d it surprisi n gly easy t o wave a n d l o ok elega n t. 5-  The lege ndary R o ute 66 ru ns fr om Chicag o t o Sa n  Fra n cisc o.    6- O n  of the bu ngee jumpers likes the feeli ng  of bei n g stretched.  7- Pe ople have always bee n fasci nated by d olphi ns' playful ness a nd i ntellige nce.  8- The speakers like d o lphi ns because they are helpful t o huma n s.  2. C omplete the phrases i n b old s o that they mea n the same as the w ords i n brackets. The n watch the vide o agai n a nd check.  1- .... a nd y ou ca n really _____ it i n because the d ogs are d oi ng all the hard w ork. (abs orb ) 2- a nd feeli ng lik...