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Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2018

Essay task FCE "City or country?"

  Are there more advantages of living in a city or a country? Write about      150 – 200 w. -           Infrastructure -           Career prospects -           Social life/ entertainment Nowadays, most people claim that people who live in a city may take bigger advantages than those who live in the country. Moreover, this issue is usually argued last days and it broadens the argument. First of all, it would be easier to find a chemist, a hospital or a school in the city rather than in the country. However, we all know that there’s a great popularity in the cities so some days become much active. Secondly, in the city there’s not only more opportunities to work but also a variety of careers such as, Medicine, Economics, Law, Engineering, to name a few. Although we can find some colleges in the country, they offer a few options. Finally, it is said that young people have a tendency to build their social life in a city while the eldest people in a country. Perhaps, t

The history of English

Have you ever wondered how the English language was formed throughout the years? Watch the video about the history of English and mark the sentences True (T) or False (F) Can you justify the false statements? 1) English has been changing for more than a thousand years. 2) The Latin-speaking Romans conquered the native Celts in AD 43. 3) The Anglo- Saxons came to Britain from northern France after the Romans left. 4) The Anglo-Saxons rejected the monks who wanted to convert them to Christianity. 5) The arrival of the Vikings gave English about 2000 new words. 6) King Harold defeated the Vikings and then the Normans in just three weeks. 7) The Norman didn't introduce many French words.  8) Shakespeare gave English as many new words as the Vikings.   9)  In the 20th century British English borrowed words from American, but not vice versa. 10) Today there are more native than non-native speakers of English. 


In English we should know that there are some nouns which can be identified by its gender. The gender of nouns can be  1) animate : when we refer to animals or people. These kind of nouns divide into two groups PERSONAL OR NON-PERSONAL nouns. Personal   a) male such as, boy, man, father, brother... b) female such as, girl, woman, mother, sister.. c) dual gender such as doctor. d) common gender such as baby. Non-Personal a) collective nouns such as,  family. b) higher male animal such as, bull. c) higher female animal such as, cow. d) lower animal such as insects like butterfly. 2) inanimate: when we refer to objects and any kind of noun which can't move and live such as computer. 

"Tall Story"

Meaning a story that cannot be believed easily -something that is made up to be out of the plausibility range. - a story making claims that is based on untrue facts making something look bigger than it is, that is, an exaggerated story. Origin The origination comes from boastfulness which was meant to either deceive or just amuse people. In the 1900’s these kind of stories were known as Munchausens which was named after an actual person. He was popular because he would always have extravagant stories about himself. In the United States, tall stories were the tales that were told and retold around the campfire. It usually involved mythical characters achieving larger than life tasks .


           Definition of Intertextuality Intertextuality is a sophisticated literary device making use of a textual reference within some body of text, which reflects again the text used as a reference. Instead of employing referential phrases from different literary works, intertextuality draws upon the concept,  rhetoric , or ideology from other writings to be merged in the new text. Function of Intertextuality A majority of writers borrow ideas from previous works to give a layer of meaning to their own works. In fact, when readers read the new text with reflection on another literary work, all related assumptions, effects, and ideas of the other text provide them a different meaning, and changes the technique of interpretation of the original piece. Since readers take influence from other texts, and while reading new texts they sift through archives, this device gives them relevance and clarifies their understanding of the new texts. For writers, intertextuality al

"Independece Day in U.S.A."

During the Revolutionary War some of the American settlers wanted to declare the independence of the colonies from British rule. At that time the Second Continental  Congress was acting as the central government of the thirteen colonies. The Congress asked Thomas Jefferson to write the Declaration of Independence. This historic document contains several important principles of American government. It  says that “all men are created equal,” all people have the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” and government can exist only with “the consent of the governed.” Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, and the delegates of the thirteen colonies, now new states, signed the document on July 4, 1776. The Liberty Bell in the State House of Philadelphia rang out that day.  Now Americans celebrate the Fourth of July as the birthday of the United States. Independence Day is an official national holiday. People have picnics, and there are often parades, speeches

Thanksgiving Day

                                    The English Puritans were trying to “purify” the Church of England, but finally they formed their own church. They left England and went to Holland and then to America. They became “Pilgrims” because they were travelers in search of religious freedom. In the fall of 1620 the Pilgrims crossed the Atlantic Ocean on their ship, the Mayflower. The trip was very difficult, and  many people got sick. But while they were on the crowded  ship, the Pilgrims agreed on a form of government for their  new colony. This agreement, the Mayflower Compact, established the principles of voting and majority rule. Finally on December 22 the travelers landed at Plymouth, Massachusetts. There was not enough food for the long, cold winter, and many settlers died. Then some friendly Indians, Samoset, Chief Massasoit, and Squanto, showed the Pilgrims how to hunt, fish, and plant corn, beans, and other foods. Because of their help, the Plymouth settlers had a good harve

Article Task FCE "My ideal house"

  If you had the chance to create your ideal house how would it be? where would it be located? What amenities would you have? - Think of at least 3 ideas to describe you ideal house and then write an essay answering the questions. your essay must be between 150 and 200 words. EXAMPLE Nowadays, most people imagine their ideal house as those which are located in front of the sea or one with a view to a beautiful urban landscape such as, The Eiffel tower, The coliseum, just to name a few. However, if I had the chance to get my ideal house, it would be totally different from what is probably thought. On one hand, it would be an old but sophisticated mansion located in the Isle of Man, far from the civilization and between the mountains. This is why the house would be occupied by every individual who maintains a great relationship with me. On the other hand, there must be so many amenities that anyone may come with the idea of buying something else, from food, clothes an