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In English we should know that there are some nouns which can be identified by its gender.

The gender of nouns can be 
1)animate: when we refer to animals or people. These kind of nouns divide into two groups PERSONAL OR NON-PERSONAL nouns.

a) male such as, boy, man, father, brother...
b) female such as, girl, woman, mother, sister..
c) dual gender such as doctor.
d) common gender such as baby.

a) collective nouns such as,  family.
b) higher male animal such as, bull.
c) higher female animal such as, cow.
d) lower animal such as insects like butterfly.

2)inanimate: when we refer to objects and any kind of noun which can't move and live such as computer. 


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"The Big Bang Theory" (Present Simple)

Look at the photo below. Do you know this TV show? Can you name any of these characters? 1) Read the text. Then answer the questions. 1) Which characters in the show work together? 2) Which characters live together? 3) Can you name any other TV shows about friends?  2) Now, Complete the sentences about The Big Bang Theory. Use the Present Simple affirmative form of the verbs below. like/live/visit/watch/work  a) Millions of people _______ the show regularly. b) Sheldon _______ in a flat with Leonard. c) Raj and Howard _______ with Sheldon and Leonard. d) Raj and Howard _______ Sheldon and Leonard regularly. e) In general, people _______ shows about groups of friends. __________________________________ LOOK OUT! - Some verbs change spelling when you add -s for the third person singular form. I go  She go es   You watch  He watch es They study   She stud ies   - The verb have is irregular. We have  It has ___

"Family members" (Possessive)

Family I can talk about family members. 1) Put the family members below into three groups : a) female b) male c) male or female aunt  brother child/ children cousin daughter  father (dad) grandchild/ grandchildren  granddaughter grandfather (grandad) grandmother (granma) grandparent  grandson husband mother (mum) nephew niece parent sister son uncle wife TO LEARN!_____________________________ a) We add 's to a name or noun to show possession or a family relationship. e.g, my cousin's husband. b) We just add an appostrophe (´) to plural nouns ending in -s e.g, my parents' friends    but his children's school __________________________________________________________________________ 2 ) Read TO LEARN! box. Then complete the sentences, adding possessive 's and the correct family member. 1) Harry is Tom's son. 2) Martin is Tom____________. 3) Nathan and Rosie are Sophie ____________. 4) Harry is Liz ________

"Summer Camp"

1) Listen to a young woman talking about a summer camp she has visited. Choose the correct answer.    1) Holly’s already been to ClubCamp ___. a) once b) twice c) three times 2) Holly thinks ClubCamp is special because of ___. a) its location b) the weather it gets  c) the things on offer there 3) Holly has enjoyed ___ most so far. a) the social activities b) the sporting activities c) the practical activities 4) Holly says that ___ come from other countries. a) only some students b) a few teachers c) both students and teachers 5) Holly explains that ClubCamp serves ____. a) mostly food made from fresh ingredients b) food that's unsuitable for vegeterians c) too much junk food Answers 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.A