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Telling a story about fortune cookies

Write a story based on the following idea. Your story must contain between 200 - 250 words.

At a Chinese restaurant, your character opens his fortune cookie and reads the following message: "Your life is in danger. Say nothing to anyone. You must leave the city immediately and never return. Repeat: Say nothing to .....

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      It was a boiling and humid summer day and I was almost arriving at a Chinese restaurant to see my best friends. We used to have a regular catch-up twice a month. However, it had been the first time we visited a Chinese restaurant. 
       After an hour of intensive flavours and great talk, a Chinese woman came near to us offering fortune cookies. She suggested; It's on the house!. She advised us not to share the message so as to avoid the bad luck but it was impossible for me. 
       When  I read the message, my face stunned, my whole body paralyzed and many thoughts came to my mind as a flash.
        How could I react to such a terrible message?
        We just said that the message was unexpected and we left. 
      My uncounscious warned me to make a decision quickly so I decided to travel to my mother's house, two hours far from this city.
      My mother welcomed me with her arms opened and I didn't tell her anything.
      The next day, I've just got up and suddenly the telephone rang. I answered it and it was my friend telling me that she was relieved because I was alive. 
     Then, my mother opened my bedroom's door showing a terrifying aspect and told me that there had been an earthquake in my city.
      After all, those cookies had reflected a premonition and my friends had recieved the same message. It said, "YOUR LIFE IS IN DANGER. SAY NOTHING TO ANYONE. LEAVE THE CITY IMMEDIATELY AND NEVER RETURN."













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