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The history of the Sandwich

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1st Century BC

A famous rabbi, Hillel the Elder, made the first recorded sandwich. He mixed some nuts, apples, and spices with some wine, and put it between two matzohs (pieces of flat bread).

6th – 16th Century
People used bread as plates. They put meat and vegetables onto some bread and ate with their fingers. These were the first open sandwiches, and they called them ‘trenchers’.

18th Century
 The name ‘sandwich’ first appeared. An Englishman, John Montague (1718–1792), the Fourth Earl of *Sandwich, liked to eat and gamble at London’s Beef Steak Club. Sometimes he stayed 24 hours at the gaming table. He was hungry, but he didn’t want to stop gambling, so the chefs from the club put some beef between two pieces of bread, and he ate while he gambled. This new meal became very fashionable with other men in the club, and they called it the ‘sandwich’ after the Ear

* Sandwich is a town in the South of England.

19th Century
An American writer, Eliza Leslie, introduced sandwiches to America. In 1837, she wrote a cookbook, ‘Directions for Cookery’. In it she had a recipe for ham sandwiches: ‘Cut some thin slices of bread and ham. Butter the bread and put the ham between two slices with some mustard. Eat for lunch or supper.’ Americans loved them.

20th – 21st Century

Sandwiches became very popular indeed. They were easy to make and they were a wonderful, cheap, portable meal for workers and school children.

Did you know...?

The ‘Dagwood’ sandwich is the sandwich to top all sandwiches. It is enormous! Named after the American cartoon character Dagwood Bumstead, it is made with a great many layers of meat, cheese, tomatoes, egg, salad, and vegetables. 

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First, watch the video below twice. Then, answer the questions below the video. You can do it with a partner.

1) When did the sandwich become popular? Why?

2) Where do most people eat sandwiches?

3) How many Morton shops are there in Oxford?

4) How much is a sandwich in a Morton shop?

5) What's your favourite sandwich? Is the sandwich popular in your country?


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