1. Mark the sentences true (T ) or false (F ). 1- The main thi ng people say they l ove ab out sledding is the sce n ery. 2- The prese nter preferred drivi ng the sled t o sitti ng i n it. 3- Pil ots used t o strap themselves t o the wi n gs at airsh ows. 4- Rebecca f ou n d it surprisi n gly easy t o wave a n d l o ok elega n t. 5- The lege ndary R o ute 66 ru ns fr om Chicag o t o Sa n Fra n cisc o. 6- O n of the bu ngee jumpers likes the feeli ng of bei n g stretched. 7- Pe ople have always bee n fasci nated by d olphi ns' playful ness a nd i ntellige nce. 8- The speakers like d o lphi ns because they are helpful t o huma n s. 2. C omplete the phrases i n b old s o that they mea n the same as the w ords i n brackets. The n watch the vide o agai n a nd check. 1- .... a nd y ou ca n really _____ it i n because the d ogs are d oi ng all the hard w ork. (abs orb ) 2- a nd feeli ng lik...
ESSAY A place I visited in my childhood Source: Write & Improve (Intermediate Level) between 180- 200 words approx. Write about a place you visited when you were a child. Answer these questions: Where did you go? When did you go? What happened? Have you ever heard about the best roller coaster in Germany? It was fifteen years ago that my parents and I visited the town of my granny. I remember her old television showing Europa's Park advertising the last day. I was deeply enganged and fortunately there was no plan already thought with my family that day. Therefore, I begged my parents to allow me to go with my two cousins, Lucy and Jake, At arriving at such an amazing park, we had to experience the longest queue I've ever seen. However, those never-ending hours of waiting became really worth once we entered the park and saw the stunning variety of games. I let the best one for the end, the roller coaster called "the snake". When we finally decided to get in...